Elearning Blog - Motivation

What is the most important theory of human motivation? If you ask me, the answer is undoubtedly Self-Determination Theory (SDT) by Deci & Ryan. Self-Determination Theory is a highly relevant tool for anyone responsible for bringing out the best in people, whether you are a leader, coach, teacher, or otherwise involved in learning and behavior. SDT can be used to explain w ...

I've been making e-learning since the dawn of time 😊. One of the "truths" I've heard endlessly throughout the years is that if you want to make motivational e-learning, you need to ensure it's interactive. Interactive elements in e-learning can be used to create variation in the presentation, thus making the content more exciting, but one should be careful not to use them sens ...

Man hører om gamification alle steder, men hvad er det, og virker det faktisk?

I denne artikel vil jeg forklare hvad gamification er, dele nogle praktiske erfaringer med at implementere gamification, kigge på hvad videnskaben siger om effekten af gamification og til sidst komme med nogle anbefalinger til hvad man skal være opmærksom på, hvis man overvejer at anvende spilelementer i forbindelse med læring.


A few years ago, I was in China on three missions for an EU project. The task was to build capacity so that the Chinese organizations I worked with could develop e-learning themselves. (It fits quite well with what we do otherwise :-)). It was an insanely exciting task, not least because it took place in a completely different culture. I met many humorous, humanistic, and inte ...