Over the last 20 years, we have solved a variety of tasks that fall outside what can be called the normal scope within e-learning in businesses.
Common to them all is that it's about learning, and we have combined pedagogy with business understanding - to create solutions that are a bit out of the ordinary. Some solutions have been classroom instruction, others blended learning, and some have been digital learning.
Here are some examples of such tasks:
The task was to develop and document curriculum plans that described which competencies should be mastered in order to perform various tasks, how the task was documented, and how one could verify that the employees had achieved the necessary competencies. This was done in collaboration with different technical content experts.
The task was to develop classroom instruction for a large Danish company. The task included setting up learning goals, pedagogically processing technical material, and more. Deliverables included curriculum plans, slides, exercises (e.g., professional board games), and evaluation questions.
The task was to educate and inspire employees in Chinese organizations to become capable of developing (better) e-learning themselves. Our involvement in the project extended over a period of 18 months during which we held several workshops and spoke at conferences in conjunction with stays in China.
We have also helped with employee recruitment and much more.
If you have a problem related to learning, then contact us and let's have a discussion about it.
It has been a great pleasure working with you on the curriculum plans. In addition to delivering a number of curriculum plans, I have learned a lot about how to write a curriculum plan, so that it becomes a useful tool when we need to educate our employees. The experiences from this collaboration will be very useful in the future.